North Node in Capricorn / 10th House
With your North Node in Capricorn or the 10th house, you’re here to learn about work in this lifetime. Your professional life, your purpose, your soul’s expression in the outer world has to take more of a priority. AKA you cannot hide away or play small. Not for long, because when you do, it’ll feel like part of you is dead. The universe wants you to be responsible and dedicated to your dreams.
With Cancer South Node energy, perhaps you felt held back by your emotions and insecurities in a past life or during your formative years in this life. The archetype of an imbalanced Cancer South Node would be someone who had to sacrifice any sort of personal dream/purpose/goal to instead care for a home and family. Perhaps your family life was emotionally intense, messy and full of turbulent ups and downs. And as a sensitive person, this primed you to hang on for dear life and develop coping mechanisms that protected you when you were young, but won’t serve you in a satisfying way as an adult. Maybe you never learned how to process your feelings and self-soothe, so it’s difficult to get anywhere when it comes to your goals. But in this life, you’re here to bloom. To grow up, leave the nest and take action to co-create the life of your dreams. In order to do so, you have to shift the way you relate to your feelings and thoughts (with love + compassion, rather than judgment + shame), so that they don’t keep you from growing. And you have to shift the way you relate to anyone in your family who negatively impacts your growth (i.e. set kind and clear boundaries). You have everything you need inside of you to manifest your desires. With this North Node, you have to take consistent action over time and stay committed to your vision, even when your feelings or thoughts try to convince you to give up.
Your Cancer or 4th house South Node comes with gifts. It’s ruled by the moon, the divine feminine luminary. This makes you very receptive towards others. You’re super caring and at a very basic level, you just want to help other people. You feel deeply and you can sense what others are feeling. You have the potential for amazing levels of emotional intelligence. People feel comforted and cared for just by being in your presence.
While being more intentional about embodying your Capricorn or 10th house NN, you won’t leave these Cancer gifts behind. They just get transformed into a healthier expression where both the Capricorn and Cancer ends of your nodal axis are more balanced. For example, in an imbalanced expression of your SN, you could have emotional enmeshment with family members that stunts your growth. You could get lost in the pain of regrets and sadness, and have a hard time getting out of that feeling of being stuck. You can be hindered by your insecurities and find it difficult to take effective and aligned action. Being intentional about embodying more Capricorn energy will balance those types of south node behaviors. But you won’t lose your beautiful sensitivity or depth of feeling. You’ll always carry that with you, while learning how to become much more emotionally mature and resilient. With this NN, make it your mission to become more comfortable with *putting yourself out there*. Capricorn rules the 10th house, at the top of our chart. It’s the arena of public and professional life, and to a Cancer south node, it can be a very uncomfortable and scary place to play. Cancer feels much safer at home, and being tapped into the emotional, intuitive and metaphysical realm. But every time you put yourself out there, do things you desire to do even though you’re scared, and keep commitments to yourself when it comes to your vision, you will feel yourself starting to blossom. You’ll feel more and more comfortable with being out in the world, and making your mark. You are NOT here to play small and hide away in your feelings. You’re here to be a very kind and encouraging parent to yourself, to lovingly honor + process your feelings, and from that foundational base of unconditional self-love, kick ass and take names in the realm of career. Shoot your shots. And keep going. Keep believing in yourself no matter what. You’ll find that when you lean into your Capricorn NN energy, your Cancer SN’s craving of security and comfort will be met in very enriching ways that are better than you could’ve dreamed for yourself.
Cancer / 4th House South Node Higher Expression
(your gifts and strengths)
Very caring and receptive towards others
High emotional intelligence and intuition
Noticing, embracing and validating feelings
Amazing at helping others - attentive, compassionate, nonjudgmental
A comforting, safe and nurturing presence
Empathetic, sensitive, and vulnerable
Cancer / 4th House South Node Lower Expression
(things you’ll be letting go of)
Being defensive, insecure, irrational, needy
Overly moody, dependent, reactive
Emotional enmeshment with family members
Unable to regulate your own emotions and tend to your needs
Oversensitivity that feels debilitating
Insecurity leading to inaction
Isolating yourself
Playing small and allowing fear to limit you
North Node in Capricorn / 10th House
(north node embodiment goals)
Accepting responsibility to make the most of your life
Cultivating a strong level of self-respect and self-care
Becoming the version of you that you dream of being
Continually stepping out of your comfort zone
Stepping into leadership/authority roles
Forgiving the past + becoming skilled at regulating your emotions
Knowing you can have a family AND create the life of your dreams
Famous People Examples with Capricorn NN: Selena Gomez, Oprah Winfrey, Cameron Diaz, Ed Sheeran, Mac Miller, Denzel Washington, Dave Chappelle, Pharrell Williams, JFK, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Affleck, Bruce Willis, Jude Law, Eminem, Steve Jobs, Angela Merkel, Heidi Klum, Dwayne Johnson, Paul Walker, Tyler the Creator, Taylor Lautner, Sofia Vergara, Emma Roberts, Notorious B.I.G., Travis Scott, Jackie Chan, Shailene Woodley, Jerry Seinfeld, Adrien Brody, Sam Smith, Howard Stern, Charlie Puth, Monica Lewinsky, Nas, Idris Elba, John McCain, Gabrielle Union, Annie Lennox, Julie Andrews, Tori Spelling, Kristen Wiig