North Node in Sagittarius / 9th House

With your North Node in Sagittarius or the 9th house, you’re here to explore, philosophize and guide. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, rules Sagittarius. This lifetime will be much about expansion for you - of your beliefs, your ideas, and your ways of living and leading. Your expansion comes through higher thinking, making meaning of life, and using what you gather to guide others.

With Gemini or 3rd house South Node energy, perhaps in a past life, or during your formative years of this one, you were a chatterbox, and one who was constantly soaking up information. A bookworm or television fanatic, reading about and watching anything you can get your hands on. Taking in so much information and learning about many different subjects from all the people, places and things around you. You have all this knowledge and an insatiable hunger for more. And especially with the internet and the Information Age, the access to countless rabbit holes and distractions is at our fingertips. So at times your energy can be very scattered and electric. In this lifetime, you have to learn how to hone and harness that energy. How to focus it and sustain its attention in one place long enough to have more meaningful connections and creations. You’re moving from a space of frequent mental stimulation and chatter, to more experiential learning, higher thinking and deeper meaning-making. Exploring things like philosophy, spirituality, religious beliefs and all the ways we try to make sense of the world.

Your Gemini or 3rd house South Node comes with gifts. It’s ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Gemini loves to chat, and is very skilled at it. You have the gift of gab. You’re witty, you have a brilliant mind, you’re quick as a whip, and so entertaining and funny for others to be around. You can make friends and carry an interesting conversation with anyone. And you’re so open to learning from everything that you learn a LOT. You’re probably great at trivia games, word games, anything that requires quickness and wit.

While being intentional about embodying your Sagittarius or 9th house NN, you won’t leave these Gemini gifts behind. They just get transformed into a healthier expression, where both the Gemini and Sagittarius ends of your nodal axis are more balanced. For example, in an imbalanced expression of your SN, you might not know when to stop talking, and you keep going just to fill the silence. Your energy can get overly scattered, because you’re into learning about and doing so many things. You take in everyone else’s view and neglect to have your own core beliefs that ground you. Stepping into Sagittarius energy will naturally balance those types of south node behaviors. But you won’t lose your learning and communication gifts. You’ll always carry them with you, while you’re learning to channel/focus your energy and ponder life’s bigger questions. Sagittarius has that wise, sage, elder-type energy that listens really well and guides with profound questions and reflections. Leading with intuition, faith and a sense of adventure. Like Dumbledore from Harry Potter. He’s very Sag energy. Sagittarius rules the 9th house, which follows right after the 8th house, ruled by Scorpio. The 8th house is about death and the underworld, and it rules the shadowy side of life - the darkest things that happen here. Sagittarius energy comes after that, so it’s all about making meaning of that darkness. Asking questions like why are we here? Why do horrible, heart-breaking things happen? As a Sagittarius north node, it’s not your job to come up with all the answers. True wisdom is okay with not knowing everything. You ponder these questions and think on a higher, very evolved level. And use your wisdom and intuition to guide others. You find deep satisfaction in the journey, not needing it to be wrapped up in a pretty bow that makes logical sense at every turn.

Gemini / 3rd House South Node Gifts
(your natural strengths)

Communication - speaking, writing, etc.

Witty, quick, sharp mind - sparks of genius wit and humor flow out of you

Entertaining and funny

Playful jokester/trickster vibe

Can carry an interesting convo with anyone

Love to learn and so you know a lot (or a little) about a lot of things

Gemini / 3rd House South Node Imbalanced
(things you’ll be letting go of)

Overly logical, scattered, second-guessing and indecisive

Overly talkative, chatty and gossiping

Saying what you think others want to hear

Too in your head - overthinking and overanalyzing

Unpredictable, inconsistent, seemingly two-faced

Trusting others’ perceptions more than your own

Invalidating your intuitive hits with logical reasoning

North Node in Sagittarius / 9th House
(north node embodiment goals)

Building your sense of adventure, freedom and spontaneity

Developing strong convictions and faith

Having honest and straightforward expression

Doing things for the sake of experience

Cultivating reliance on your intuition and guidance from unexpected places

Spending time alone and in nature - developing connection to inner wisdom

Guiding others from your higher self/true nature

Famous People with Sag NN: Ariana Grande, Harry Styles, Tom Hanks, Miley Cyrus, Nelson Mandela, Cardi B, Bill Gates, Anthony Bourdain, Angelina Jolie, Leonardo DiCaprio, Zayn Malik, Demi Lovato, Joaquin Phoenix, David Beckham, Victoria Beckham, Niall Horan, Penélope Cruz, Bradley Cooper, Jack Nicholson, Tyra Banks, Mel Gibson, Drew Barrymore, Russell Brand, Kris Jenner, Cara Delevingne, William Shakespeare, Nick Jonas, 50 Cent, Pete Davidson, Jane Fonda, Fergie, Eva Longoria, Eva Mendes, Tobey Maguire, Jimmy Fallon, Morgan Freeman, Ernest Hemingway, Alanis Morissette, Jack White, Lauryn Hill, Amy Adams, Bryan Cranston, Nelly, Lil Kim,


North Node in Pisces / 12th House


North Node in Scorpio / 8th House