North Node in Aquarius / 11th House

With your North Node in Aquarius or the 11th house, you’re here to do things your own way. You’re not here to conform or play it safe, but to innovate and go off the beaten path. Let your unconventional self come out to play because you’re not supposed to be like everyone else. The universe wants you to be YOU, in all of your unique glory.

Coming from a Leo or 5th house South Node, you perhaps never really got to do your own thing in a past life, or during your formative years in this one. So that feels unfamiliar to you. You were more caught up in seeking approval and validation from other people. You strived for attention and wanted to be seen. You wanted your uniqueness to be understood and appreciated. But even when it was, the dopamine high that you got from that - it didn’t last long. You’d go back to feeling insecure and wanting more validation. You could’ve been very self-absorbed (unintentionally) and unaware of what was going on in the world around you - like social injustices and global issues. But in this lifetime, you wake up to that. You’re not here to live only for yourself, but for the collective too. You’re here to contribute to social change and make a positive impact in the community. Your soul wants to make a difference. And it wants to be different in the way that it does. Not for attention, but for authenticity’s sake. You will grow to detach from what others think of you, and just live your life in ways that feel right. This is a very innovative North Node energy - and not because it’s TRYING to be innovative. But because by following what feels right, it tends to veer off the traditional pathway of doing things. And by doing that, it liberates others to do the same.

Your Leo or 5th house South Node comes with gifts. It’s ruled by the Sun, the brightest, warmest star in our solar system. This is your energy - you are bright, lively, warm, and great at being the center of attention. Or if you don’t love being the center, you still crave being seen and valued (who doesn’t?). And you have this charismatic quality about you that draws others in. Creative self-expression is your gift to the world. People love to see you perform or express yourself. You have a pizazz about you, which can take many forms. You may notice people just observing the way you do things. You have an essence about you that shimmers and entertains, whether you realize it or not.

While being more intentional about embodying your Aquarius or 11th house NN, you won’t leave these Leo gifts behind. They just get transformed into a healthier expression where both the Leo and Aquarius ends of your nodal axis are more balanced. For example, in an imbalanced expression of your SN, you could have a desperate energy about wanting to be seen, to where you come off like you’re trying too hard to perform or stand out. You might be attached to winning others’ approval instead of just doing what feels right in your heart. You may be too wrapped up in your own drama to the point where you’re unaware of the collective issues in the world. Embodying your Aquarius energy will naturally balance those types of south node behaviors. But you won’t lose your charismatic spirit or warm-hearted generosity. You’ll always carry that with you, while learning how to have a healthy detachment from what others think of you. You’ll notice with this nodal placement that when you just do things that you love, and express your true self without worrying at all about others’ approval, you’ll begin to shine and be seen like never before. And the more you’re being intentional about contributing to the collective good, you won’t be so hungry to gain short-lived applause for yourself. Your soul craves to contribute positively to the world (in whatever form that takes), and the more you embody that intention, you’ll be seen for your true authenticity and feel so content in your own skin.

Leo / 5th House South Node Higher Expression
(your gifts and strengths)

Bright, warm, charismatic

Following your passions

Natural at being the center of attention

Owning and expressing what makes you special

Talent for creative self-expression, performance and enthusiasm

Willing to take center stage/starring roles

A certain pizzaz about you - you shine without even knowing it

Being open-hearted and romantic about life and the way you live it

Leo / 5th House South Node Lower Expression
(things you’ll be letting go of)

Dramatically acting like the center of the universe

Craving others’ approval, admiration and attention

Faking self-confidence and trying too hard to be seen

Always performing and putting on a show (but coming from a place that feels forced and needy)

Doing things only your own gratification and to get your way

Unaware of bigger issues in the world and the bigger picture

Doing what’s normally expected of you instead of following your heart

North Node in Aquarius / 11th House
(north node embodiment goals)

Detaching from needing others’ approval or certain outcomes

Developing self-awareness and true self-confidence (from a base of unconditional self-love)

Self-love and self-acceptance mattering more than others’

Helping other people see what makes them valuable/special

Innovating and living unconventionally

Not conforming to the crowd just to play it safe

Supporting ‘power to the people’ movements, and life’s underdogs

Getting involved with community, groups, higher causes & ideals

Famous People Examples with Aquarius NN: Taylor Swift, Albert Einstein, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Watson, Kristen Stewart, Elon Musk, Tupac Shakur, The Weeknd, Daniel Radcliffe, Winona Ryder, Snoop Dogg, Frank Sinatra, Margot Robbie, Edith Piaf, Jennifer Garner, Jada Pinkett Smith, Selena, Mark Wahlberg, Dakota Johnson, Leonard Cohen, Joe Jonas, Iggy Azalea, Erykah Badu, SZA, Billie Holliday, Karl Lagerfeld, G-Eazy, Jeff Goldblum, Justin Trudeau, Denise Richards, Lance Armstrong, Machine Gun Kelly, Ethan Hawke, Hozier, Cyndi Lauper, Jon Hamm, Sarah Silverman, DMX, Sacha Baron Cohen, Shaquille O'Neal, Missy Elliott, Avicii, Mary J. Blige, Amy Poehler, Marianne Williamson


North Node in Aries / 1st House


North Node in Taurus / 2nd House