North Node in Aries / 1st House

With your North Node in Aries or the 1st house, you’re here to learn about yourself. Know your needs, know your desires, know what YOU really want. Not what you think you should want, or what would look good to other people, but you have to get in touch with your true desires, apart from outside influence. And you don’t necessarily need to know everything you want, but be willing to explore what’s important to you and stay open rather than just settling for things that don’t feel right.

Regularly ask yourself: what kinds of things would I secretly LOVE to do or try if no one could know or judge me? And if success was guaranteed? And on top of that, how would I secretly love to go about doing them?

With Libra South Node energy, perhaps you didn’t get to put yourself first in a past life or during your formative years in this life. This is the South Node energy of a major people-pleaser, always prioritizing other people and their needs or feelings over yourself. You may have grown up in a family with people who weren’t the most emotionally aware or evolved. So you learned to tiptoe around, always taking the temperature of the environment and other people to feel your way around life. A significant growth point for you in this lifetime is to no longer heavily prioritize the feelings of other people above your own. Of course, we’re social creatures and life always involves some level of people pleasing, but you gotta find a better balance that doesn’t feel like you’re constantly abandoning yourself. That will leave you feeling frustrated, stuck, dead inside. It really serves you to spend quality time alone, to learn who you truly are, and observe how easily your behaviors can change depending on who you spend time around. Note what lights you up in life, and prioritize that. Learn to say no to people or cancel a plan - and then lovingly tend to any guilt or shame that that triggers in your body. The universe wants you to be a little more selfish. And by selfish I just mean you value your own needs, desires, and feelings MORE than or just as much as you do those of other people. Is that really selfish, or have we just been conditioned to believe it is?

Your Libra or 7th house South Node comes with gifts. It’s ruled by the planet Venus, associated with love, values, relationships, and beauty. This makes you a diplomatic mediator who sees all sides of a situation and can help others find compassion for each other. You excel at navigating relationships and social situations. You’re highly considerate of other people and their feelings. You see that uncomfortable, awkward person at a party who has no one to talk to and you extend yourself to make them feel more comfortable. You are an invaluable person to so many in your life and you probably don’t even realize how much you help people.

While being more intentional about embodying your Aries or 1st house NN, you won’t stop using your Libra gifts. They just get transformed into a healthier expression where both the Libra and Aries ends of your nodal axis are more balanced. To where you’re less willing to abandon yourself to make others happy. Less concerned about what others will think of you. When making a decision about your next steps in life, maybe you don’t consult 100 different people when really all you need to do is turn inward and listen to your gut instinct. Embodying more Aries energy will naturally balance those types of south node behaviors. But you won’t lose your diplomatic and considerate spirit. You’ll always carry that with you, while you’re prioritizing YOU. You’re here to be unapologetically yourself. And more bold, pioneering and risk-taking. You’ll learn to say no to things you don’t want, even if you think it might let someone down. You’ll become a boundary-setter, and accept that you’re not responsible for everyone else’s feelings or experiences. You’ll develop a much stronger sense of self, and wisely protect your energy. You’ll become more in tune with your body and emotions. And you’ll see that the more you honor yourself and do what feels most right to you, it tends to work out better for everyone involved anyway. In most cases, people benefit from you feeling your best, not from you feeling obligated. Your most fulfilling, healthy, and truly compatible relationships come so much more naturally (and work the best) when you’re being true to yourself.

Libra / 7th House South Node Higher Expression
(your gifts and strengths)

Mediator and peacemaker

Amazing partner, friend, coworker, boss, etc.

Able to apologize and own your part in things

Thoughtful, gentle, considerate

Naturally strong at partnership, reciprocation, collaboration and compromise

Supporting, encouraging and lifting up others

Libra / 7th House South Node Lower Expression
(things you’ll be letting go of)

Overly people-pleasing, being too nice and passive

Seeing yourself mainly through other peoples’ eyes

Abandoning or sacrificing yourself to appease others

Not being in touch with or owning your desires and needs

Too concerned with others’ opinions and approval

Always prioritizing peace, harmony and fairness above your own needs/wants

North Node in Aries / 1st House
(north node embodiment goals)

Being more assertive and straightforward/honest

Learning who you are and what you need/want (and not losing yourself in relationships)

Putting yourself first and trusting yourself more often

Being more unapologetic, fierce, bold, and willing to take risks

Not letting fear run your life - feeling fear while you choose to continue doing what you want

Honoring your anger and feeling it (but not recklessly acting from it)

Being in touch with your inner warrior/competitor

Being ok with disappointing others if it means you’re doing what’s right for you

Famous People Examples with Aries NN: Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts, Megan Fox, Robert Pattinson, Drake, Mariah Carey, Will Smith, Meryl Streep, Céline Dion, Nikola Tesla, Zac Efron, Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, Lindsay Lohan, Blake Lively, Lionel Messi, Rafael Nadal, Emilia Clarke, Warren Buffet, Hugh Jackman, Richard Gere, Kendrick Lamar, Hilary Duff, Kesha, Frank Ocean, Caitlyn Jenner, Mary Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, Solange Knowles, Mark Ruffalo, Elliot Page, Lisa Bonet, Tom Felton, Richard Branson, Paul Rudd, Javier Bardem, Florence Welch, Wiz Khalifa, Naomi Watts, Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Foxx, Stevie Wonder, Evan Rachel Wood, Norman Reedus, Elizabeth Warren


North Node in Gemini / 3rd House


North Node in Aquarius / 11th House