You’re Not Being Punished


To me, 

When hard and triggering things happen in your life, it’s not because you’re being punished by some higher power. It’s never about punishment. Sometimes shitty things just happen. Both light and dark exist. That duality is ever present and ever valuable.

You’re never going to arrive to some place where life is ONLY light and easy breezy. When something challenging happens and you’re affected by it, it’s not evidence of your non-arrival to that place. It’s not evidence that you have so much work to do and so much farther to go.

Be kind to yourself. If you have a scared reaction and spiral out for a bit, that’s ok. Feel your feelings. You always come back to reconnecting to the wise and loving parent within you that shows up and forgives it all. She only wants you to feel accepted for the totality of who you are as a human. Which includes fear and darkness. 

If you’re having a hard time figuring out why something happened, just let yourself breathe and accept that it did. It’s done. Now all you have to do is choose your response. It’s easier to love yourself when everything’s going well. If nothing else, a triggering experience creates space to practice loving the part of you that gets scared and reactive. The part of you that you’d rather not identify with. It just needs loving attention and acceptance. Resisting it or trying to push it away ensures its power over you. “What we don’t own, owns us.” Embracing your darkness is embracing your wholeness.


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