You’re Not Being Punished
Courtney Santoro Courtney Santoro

You’re Not Being Punished

If nothing else, a triggering experience creates space to practice loving the part of you that gets scared and reactive. The part of you that you’d rather not identify with. It just needs loving attention and acceptance. Resisting it or trying to push it away ensures its power over you. “What we don’t own, owns us.” Embracing your darkness is embracing your wholeness.

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Parenting Myself When I Cry
Courtney Santoro Courtney Santoro

Parenting Myself When I Cry

We have to be our own parent and when we feel an emotion, allow it to pass through our bodies while we offer ourselves compassion and tender understanding. I put my hand on my heart or give myself a little hug (as weird as that may look) and say “Court, of course you feel this way. It’s ok. Let it out.”

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